The Store is Open

There is one school of thought that selling art is selling out. One makes art for art’s sake. Etcetera.

There is another that paying bills is a good thing. You decide. 

And now I’ll tell you a story. Once upon a time, 25 years ago by now, I rented a warehouse building and had a large interesting space that I turned into what I thought of as a guerrilla gallery. And the struggle to stay afloat was constant and there were many shows with up-and-coming artists, and the opportunity would have been there to buy a lot of very good, inexpensive art but due to the staying afloat business, I missed that opportunity. And it always stayed with me that people who really appreciate art often don’t have the resources to buy the things that speak to them. So I always have that in the back of my mind when I’m making the works that won’t fit in the back of my car and are priced into four figures.

Anyway, here’s the beginnings of an online shop, independent of the Etsys and Patreons, and containing only work that I consider fairly durable and is easily shipped. And ok, I’ll say it…accessible. Starting with a handful of the smallish Tarpaulin Series, and later I’ll be adding small encaustics and some Two Part Inventions (small stretched canvases.) 

Thank you for supporting the arts. The store is open.

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