Sine Wave Snow
Iowa+snow+wind+turbulence off our 15,000 sq.ft. roof = enjoying this view along with morning coffee today.
Iowa+snow+wind+turbulence off our 15,000 sq.ft. roof = enjoying this view along with morning coffee today.
There is one school of thought that selling art is selling out. One makes art for art’s sake. Etcetera. There is another that paying bills is a good thing. You decide. And now I’ll tell you a story. Once upon a time, 25 years ago by now, I rented a warehouse building and had a …
Sometimes I just walk around in our home/school/studio/behemoth to reconnect. Close your eyes and you might feel the energy of 100 students walking these halls. Open your eyes and see the stained tile grout, three to four feet from the floor, where all those hands tracing along the walls left their marks over the last …
This quote has a permanent, prominent spot in my studio. Sometimes, one little thing begets another, much like mark making. Or…I signed up for a show that was happening in December 2024, which begat much thinking about the direction of art, and the needs…what were my needs in this ever expanding universe of darkness and …
December of 2024 marked my 20th solo show (I also recently counted 45 group shows.) This is an important highlight for me, because for the last few years I have found myself working more on this building we now occupy, and less so on art. I turned that around this year with a show at …
Light the darkness. “Positive Space” is new work for 2024, and a counterpoint to the well-known art term “negative space.” We sometimes assume artists do gritty, dark work to hold a mirror up to society, etc. I’m trying to bring some elements of lightness, bright color, and positive energy to the equation, to myself, and …
On April 26, 2023, I presented two workshops on kinetic art during the Hawkeye 10 Art Fair at Atlantic High School, Atlantic, Iowa. This is the device I demonstrated: dual oscillations for paint manipulation, plus a further variable with the turntable.
Never occurred to me; (some kids) cannot read cursive. As someone intensively involved in things visual and in the physical world, “Gen Z Never Learned to Read Cursive” by Drew Gilpin touched a nerve.
Here comes year two of my participation in the Southwest Iowa Art Tour. I’m honored to be back at the Charles E. & Florence M. Lakin Community Center in Malvern, Iowa with a lot of new work. Sneak Peek, Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, 4-7pm Saturday, Sept. 17, 10-5 Sunday, Sept. 18, noon-4 61321 315th St., Malvern, …